Our aquaculture treatment products are a powerful microbial enzyme formula—10 to 100 times more concentrated than any other aquaculture or shrimp farm treatment products available. The astounding success of products from Aquatic BioScience®, LLC, is due to our unique microorganism and enzyme formulations, specifically developed for each intended application. Liquid or dry formats treat water in shrimp farms, fish farms, and other aquaculture-related environments.
Since 95 percent of the world’s shrimp supply is grown on shrimp farms, it becomes extremely necessary to ensure that those farms provide the right kind of environment. If left untreated, these farms can fall prey to diseases, unsafe harvesting practices, and environmental compromises. Healthy aquaculture environments produce healthier seafood for the human population. In these environments, shrimp, fish, and other marine creatures are given an optimal habitat in which to grow and thrive. The aquaculture treatment products from Aquatic BioScience are solving shrimp farming problems the world over.
Contact Aquatic BioScience today to obtain the finest aquaculture treatment products on the market. Our products are available directly from us or from our distributors in Bangladesh, Peru, and Vietnam. Choose from our liquid or dry products shown below.